module Blaaargh.Internal.Handlers ( serveBlaaargh ) where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Happstack.Server
import Happstack.Server.HTTP.FileServe
import Happstack.Server.Parts
import System.Log.Logger
import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
import Text.Printf
import Text.StringTemplate
import Blaaargh.Internal.Post
import Blaaargh.Internal.Templates
import Blaaargh.Internal.Types
import qualified Blaaargh.Internal.Util.ExcludeList as EL
debug :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
debug = liftIO . debugM "blaaargh"
showPath :: [ByteString] -> String
showPath = B.unpack . B.intercalate "/"
serveBlaaargh :: BlaaarghHandler
serveBlaaargh = do
methodOnly GET
cm <- lift get >>= return . blaaarghPostMap
paths <- askRq >>= return . map B.pack . rqPaths
serve [] paths cm `mappend` fourohfour
serve :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> ContentMap -> BlaaarghHandler
serve soFar paths content = do
debug $ printf "serve: soFar=%s paths=%s"
(showPath soFar)
(showPath paths)
case paths of
[] -> serveIndex soFar content
(a:[]) -> serveFile soFar a content
(a:b) -> serveDir soFar a b content
serveFile :: [ByteString] -> ByteString -> ContentMap -> BlaaarghHandler
serveFile soFar a content = do
debug $ printf "serveFile: soFar=%s a=%s"
(showPath soFar)
(B.unpack a)
if a == "feed.xml" then
serveFeed soFar content
maybe (do
debug $ printf "serveFile: 404: soFar=%s a=%s"
(showPath soFar)
(B.unpack a)
(\f -> case f of
(ContentStatic fp) -> serveStatic fp
(ContentPost post) -> servePost (soFar ++ [a]) post
(ContentDirectory _ d) -> serveIndex (soFar ++ [a]) d)
(Map.lookup a content)
serveDir :: [ByteString]
-> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> ContentMap
-> BlaaarghHandler
serveDir soFar d rest content = do
let mbD = Map.lookup d content
debug $ printf "serveDir: 404: soFar=%s d=%s rest=%s"
(showPath soFar)
(B.unpack d)
(showPath rest)
maybe mzero
(\f -> case f of
(ContentDirectory _ mp) -> serve (soFar ++ [d]) rest mp
_ -> mzero)
fourohfour :: BlaaarghHandler
fourohfour = do
state <- lift get
mbTmpl <- findFourOhFourTemplate
tmpl <- maybe mzero return mbTmpl
let title = getTextContent . Atom.feedTitle . blaaarghFeedInfo $ state
let tmpl' = setAttribute "pageTitle" title tmpl
return $ toResponse $ HtmlResponse $ render tmpl'
serveStatic :: FilePath -> BlaaarghHandler
serveStatic = localRq (\r -> r { rqPaths=[]}) . fileServeStrict []
newtype HtmlResponse = HtmlResponse ByteString
instance ToMessage HtmlResponse where
toContentType _ = "text/html"
toMessage (HtmlResponse s) = L.fromChunks [s]
servePost :: [ByteString] -> Post -> BlaaarghHandler
servePost soFar post = do
state <- lift get
mbTmpl <- lift $ findTemplateForPost soFar
tmpl <- maybe mzero return mbTmpl
let title = concat
[ getTextContent . Atom.feedTitle . blaaarghFeedInfo $ state
, (let s = getTextContent . Atom.entryTitle . unPost $ post
in if null s then "" else ": " ++ s)
let tmpl' = setAttribute "post" post $
setAttribute "pageTitle" title tmpl
return $ toResponse $ HtmlResponse $ render tmpl'
getTextContent :: Atom.TextContent -> String
getTextContent (Atom.TextString s) = s
getTextContent (Atom.HTMLString s) = s
getTextContent _ = undefined
getContentTitle :: ContentItem -> String
getContentTitle (ContentPost (Post p)) = getTextContent . Atom.entryTitle $ p
getContentTitle _ = ""
serveIndex :: [ByteString] -> ContentMap -> BlaaarghHandler
serveIndex soFar content = do
debug $ printf "serveIndex: soFar=%s"
(showPath soFar)
state <- lift get
mbTmpl <- lift $ findTemplateForDirectory soFar
tmpl <- maybe mzero return mbTmpl
let excludes' = blaaarghFeedExcludes state
let excludes = foldl' (flip EL.descend) excludes' soFar
let alpha = alphabeticalPosts excludes content
let chron = chronologicalPosts excludes content
let rchron = reverseChronologicalPosts excludes content
let recent = take 5 rchron
let postmap = [ ("alphabeticalPosts" , alpha)
, ("chronologicalPosts" , chron)
, ("reverseChronologicalPosts" , rchron)
, ("recentPosts" , recent) ]
let tmpl' = setManyAttrib postmap tmpl
let mbPost = Map.lookup "index" content
let baseURL = B.pack $ blaaarghBaseURL state
let fdPath = B.concat $ intersperse "/" $ soFar ++ ["feed.xml"]
let feedURL = B.unpack $ B.concat [baseURL, "/", fdPath]
let title = concat
[ getTextContent . Atom.feedTitle . blaaarghFeedInfo $ state
, maybe ""
(\x -> let s = getContentTitle x
in if null s then "" else ": " ++ s)
let tmpl'' = case mbPost of
(Just (ContentPost p)) -> setAttribute "post" p tmpl'
_ -> tmpl'
let autoDiscovery' = printf "<link rel=\"alternate\" \
\type=\"application/atom+xml\" \
feedURL :: String
let autoDiscovery = if EL.matchList soFar excludes
then ""
else autoDiscovery'
let tmpl''' = setAttribute "pageTitle" title $
setAttribute "extraHead" autoDiscovery tmpl''
return $ toResponse $ HtmlResponse $ render tmpl'''
addSiteURL :: String -> Post -> Post
addSiteURL siteURL (Post p) =
Post $ p {Atom.entryId = concat [siteURL, Atom.entryId p]}
serveFeed :: [ByteString] -> ContentMap -> BlaaarghHandler
serveFeed soFar content = do
state <- lift get
let excludes' = blaaarghFeedExcludes state
let excludes = foldl' (flip EL.descend) excludes' soFar
let siteURL' = blaaarghSiteURL state
let posts = map (addSiteURL siteURL') $ recentPosts excludes content 5
hasTemplate <- lift $ liftM isJust $ findTemplateForDirectory soFar
if null posts || not hasTemplate
then mzero
else do
let siteURL = B.pack siteURL'
let baseURL = B.pack $ blaaarghBaseURL state
let fdPath = B.concat $ intersperse "/" $ soFar ++ ["feed.xml"]
let feedURL = B.unpack $ B.concat
$ [siteURL, baseURL, "/", fdPath]
let baseFeed = blaaarghFeedInfo state
let feed = baseFeed {
Atom.feedId = feedURL
, Atom.feedLinks = [ Atom.nullLink feedURL ]
, Atom.feedEntries = map unPost posts
, Atom.feedUpdated = Atom.entryUpdated $ unPost (head posts)
return $ toResponse feed